Creative Design

Accumulate and redeem loyalty points across various participating businesses using a single app.


Personalized offers and promotions tailored to each customer's preferences.

Deals and Specials

Access to exclusive deals and specials from participating businesses.

App Features

The app is crafted to assist small business owners in retaining and promoting specials to their customers, thereby benefiting all users in the vicinity.

Location based Targeting

With geo location-based identification of businesses and users, app is able to provide relevant information to users to enhance positive experience of using the app.

Rewarding Ability

Ability to offer Loyalty Rewards to regular customers

Easy to Use

No need of expensive gadgets or expensive training


Enhanced visibility for businesses and increases the likelihood of customer engagement.


Allowing them to promote specials directly to customers.

Security and Authentication

The app uses of a one-time password (OTP) and QR/Bar code system to identify real users and avoid possible fraudulent users.

Feel Free to Contact us

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